MAPublisher 9.4 for Adobe Illustrator is available free of charge to all MAPublisher users with an active maintenance subscription and as an upgrade for non-maintenance users at US$599. MAPublisher tools leverage the superior graphics design capabilities of Adobe Illustrator to manipulate GIS data and to produce high-quality maps with accuracy and efficiency. MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator is powerful map production software for creating cartographic-quality maps from GIS data. More about MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator Various user interface and performance enhancements to improve usability. Newly designed MAP Layer icons and feature type icons. Improved preview quality makes it easier to see how settings affect the scale bar. The metadata assignment option allows layer attributes to be assigned to format specific metadata fields. New file export option to assign metadata for TAB/MIF and KML/KMZ formats. In addition, a new option is available for ticks to follow the line at the grid boundary. New ability to specify grid constraints to limit the geographical extent of a Measured Grid. New ability to export a coordinate system file for non-geospatial image formats. A new anti-aliasing option to optimize art or type is now available.
Image attributes are supported when importing from the PDF Maps app (in KMZ format) and exporting to Google Earth (in KMZ format).Įxport Document to Web Tiles now supports MapBox and Tile Map Service map providers. New image attribute type to store an image for each record in a layer's MAP Attribute table. Improved interface provides additional coordinate system information and easier access to format specific Adobe Illustrator options that affect how data is imported.

Streamlined data import: Import (formerly Simple Import) and Multiple Data Import (formerly known as Advanced Import). The primary focus of this release is to increase productivity for cartographers and GIS professionals by enabling them to easily and quickly import data, create high-quality map products, and easily publish or export to print and digital formats,” he added.Įnhancements and new features of MAPublisher 9.4 “The enhancements and features in this release have been developed from customer feedback with significant improvements to import and export interoperability. "We’re excited to release MAPublisher 9.4 because of its continued evolution to make it even easier to create great looking maps with enhanced cartography tools,” said Ted Florence, President of Avenza.
This latest update includes new many features including streamlined import, support for additional formats when exporting a document to web tiles, and a new image attribute type to support images imported from the PDF Maps app on both iOS and Android platforms. Toronto, ON, May 5 - Avenza Systems Inc., producers of the PDF Maps app for mobile and geospatial plugins for Adobe Creative Suite, including Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop, is pleased to announce the release of MAPublisher 9.4 for Adobe Illustrator.

Enhanced cartography tools to create high-quality maps made even easier.