However, you'll be spending most of your time in open waters, where your poor maneuverability and size don't factor into your ability to obliterate anything unfortunate enough to be marked as hostile by your sonar officer. Additionally, the ship has two massive aft engines mounted in downwards-sloping wings (think USS Enterprise but upside down), which have a tendency to latch onto things as you pass near them, making docking and navigation around narrow spaces even more awkward. The poor maneuverability and its sheer size (as awesome as it is) make it extremely awkward when trying to dock with anything as the ship tends to ram itself into whatever its trying to dock with and break the docking cables several times before successfully docking. The cargo capacity of 20 makes Forgotten Fjords Wandering Merchant hoarding trips somewhat less viable, though by the time you acquire this ship it's highly unlikely that you will need to buy anything else except for food and oxygen tanks so min-maxing your profits becomes pointless. Its downsides come in the form of its underwhelming cargo capacity, horrible maneuverability and sheer size. On top of being extremely tanky, it also possesses a crew capacity of 20, allowing you to maintain a large repair crew to quickly repair any damage sustained during combat with or without repair kits, all while fully crewing every station. With this many bolt cannons, it can not only rip other subs to shreds with virtual impunity, but it can also easily shoot down incoming torpedoes as there are always guaranteed to be multiple guns pointing at an incoming torpedo.Īt 85 hull points, it can comfortably trade hits with any other sub in the game, including the Naglfar which doesn't possess enough firepower to take the Sul down before it disables all of its guns. It boasts a menacing arsenal of 12 bolt cannons, spread between two triple gun turrets (dorsal and ventral) and three dual gun turrets (dorsal, ventral and aft), though it can only bring all of them to bear when presenting a broadside. The Sul is the largest sub the player can acquire and easily dwarfs the Manta, the second largest sub in the game.
#Diluvion skalle upgrade#
cumbersome controls due to bad sprite position -bad draw distance and onscreen clutter -no in game reference for commands and no options -no z axis movement buttons that I can find(needed by any game of this type that uses depth and altitude as movement) There are improvements that can be beyond its issues as well, a HUD display with functions could alleviate some issue but in all the game is on the low end to anything else Ive played in a year It gets a 1 for function, a 4 for effort and a 2 for the game it turned out to be.The Sul is a custom variant of the Atlantica sub and can be purchased from the ship trader at the Spirios Shipyards for 35000 gold after the player purchases the level 3 upgrade to their subs. No save option because of a checkpoint system, yeah thats on my list of bad and stupid game design choices because when a save gets corrupted, you must restart also it is ridiculous. I currently have it modded out for any game I play.

The screen to sub point of view is over the right garbage, which was garbage in every game that ever used it. There are few options and no key mapping which I find to be a good reference for the controls when a game fails in this regard. Than something about a crew member needing to talk(tutorial) cant exit or resolve this after, just locked into the sub 2d mode then I quit. I figured there must be a trigger to continue or a way to drill out, something wasn't seeing it then lo I found some way forward (draw distance sucks). So I started in some kind of cavern, no exits and no big deal. I Yup, that's a 2 rating and after 20 minutes no less now let me iterate. Yup, that's a 2 rating and after 20 minutes no less now let me iterate.