The parade of saints across the centuries would have been shocked to see prayer reduced to God-doing-what-I-asked-him-to-do-when-I-asked-him-to-do-it. God is not a puppy to be trained or a chef in the kitchen who prepares food to suit our every whim.

Prayer doesn’t ‘work’ because I got what I wanted and they didn’t.

Prayer is not a button to be pushed it’s a relationship to be pursued. When we bang down the door of heaven for years and are not sure anything is going on up there at all.In those moments when we feel very distant from God.When the opposite of what we prayed for happens.When we can’t trace out any direct result from our prayer.Prayer does ‘work,’ but it works very differently than we’d like. Prayer is not a button to be pushed it’s a relationship to be pursued. As if prayer was a button to be pushed to release exactly what they wanted from the vending machine. Most people who say prayer works these days really mean God did what I wanted him to do. Should we really stop saying that prayer works? Some stay away from Christianity not because they don’t know any Christians, but because they do. In that vein, here are three other things Christians should really stop saying.

He makes a thoughtful, insightful argument around that. This post was originally inspired by a piece by Scott Dannemiller wrote in which he urged Christians to stop saying “feeling blessed” whenever something good came their way. Well, in addition to modeling humility, grace, truth, love, and so many other things that describe the earliest Christ-followers, we Christians can watch our words. The number of people who never go to church or follow Jesus keeps growing. Our actions and our words as followers of Jesus have the power to attract or repel people from Christianity. A vacation perhaps? Or maybe because deep down, you truly enjoy what you do despite the many late nights, and grumpy customers.īut here’s something we can ALL relate to: funny work memes that may – or may not – have happened at least once at our own workplace.One reason people stay away from Christianity is not that they don’t know any Christians. Think about the little things that inspire you to do your job right. So for now, you can put off applying to that other company. That’s right, even the darkest of clouds have a silver lining.

Such days include: a good water cooler discussion, winning the office sweepstakes, and voluntary time off. Just when you think you hate everything about the office, something happens that makes you laugh and think to yourself ‘you know what, it isn’t that bad here’. After all, that Disney cruise won’t but itself. But we have bills to pay, loved ones to support, and an expensive lifestyle to maintain. Sure, we all want to be on the beach, sipping a mimosa, and NOT thinking about that report. Even dream jobs will have days when you get can barely get up in the morning.